About Us

Dr Vanessa Hoy - Founder and Director

"I believe that the best way to produce clear, concise and informative scientific documentation is to employ technical authors who really understand the subject matter."

Vanessa has an honours degree in chemistry, a PhD in chemical crystallography and a passion for words. She has spent the past 20 years combining these in a variety of technical communication roles with scientific software and engineering companies large and small.

"The trick is to write documentation people actually want to read. It has to be well presented, easy to navigate, consistent, accurate and crucially it has to answer readers' questions."

Vanessa is an award winning technical author with considerable experience of writing many types of scientific and technical documentation including online help systems, printed and printable user guides and manuals, technical marketing material and websites.

To find out more about how ScriboScience can help you meet your documentation needs, contact us.